Horizons in Hemophilia, March 2025
Camp Wannaklot, a week-long residential summer camp, is the only camp in Georgia that provides children who have hemophilia or other bleeding disorders the opportunity to enjoy a traditional camp experience. During this fun-filled week, campers make new friends, learn about their bleeding disorders, and share new experiences. More...
Over MLK Weekend, 43 Hemophilia of Georgia (HoG) teens and 26 volunteers/staff participated in a fun-filled retreat Camp Widjiwagan in Nashville, Tennessee. One of the most memorable experiences was the time teens got to spend connecting with one and other, and many experiencing snow for the first time.
Camp Wannaklot will be held June 8-13, 2025, and our theme this year will be Under the Big Top! We are so excited to celebrate our 33rd summer of Camp Wannaklot at Camp Twin Lakes Will-A-Way in Winder, GA. Bus transportation will be available from August, Savannah, Middle Georgia, and the Metro Atlanta Area. Stay tuned for more details!
If you recently updated or changed your insurance coverage for the new year, make sure the Pharmacy Team at HoG knows. Not having up to date insurance information on file with Hemophilia of Georgia can cause problems and delays in payment or receiving medication. Spring is the perfect time to take charge of your health and your insurance benefits.
Join Hemophilia of Georgia for Score Fore a Cure at Topgolf Alpharetta next week! Score Fore a Cure will be held on Thursday, March 13th from 7:00-10:00 pm at 10900 Westside Parkway, Alpharetta, GA 30009 and will benefit research for a cure for hemophilia and other bleeding disorders. More...
It is time to register and purchase sponsorships to participate in our 2025 Trot to Clot, a 5K Walk/Run and 1 Mile Family Fun Walk, on Saturday, April 26, 2025, at The Battery @ Truist Park. You can help Hemophilia of Georgia raise money to support youth and family programming, including Camp Wannaklot, by participating in the Trot to Clot Walk/Run.
Interested in the John W. Youtsey Memorial Scholarship, which helps qualified Hemophilia of Georgia (HoG) patients pay for post-high school education? Then don’t forget to submit your online pre-qualification form https://smr.to/p101349 by April 15.
March is Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month! Each year, the National Bleeding Disorders Foundation hosts a month-long celebration to build awareness, promote advocacy and early diagnosis, and honor members of the bleeding disorder community. More...
The National Bleeding Disorders Foundation’s 77th Annual Bleeding Disorders Conference will take place from August 21-23, 2025, in Aurora-Denver, Colorado, at the Gaylord Rockies Resort & Conventions Center. Join the NBDF for three incredible days of educational sessions, networking opportunities, and exciting exhibits. More...