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8607 Roberts Drive, Suite 150 Sandy Springs, GA 30350-2237

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8607 Roberts Drive, Suite 150 Sandy Springs, GA 30350-2237

retreat mar 25

Teen Retreat 2025 - Camp Widjiwagan YMCA in Tennessee!

By Kristi Fulford, Director of Camp and Client Events

Published February 26, 2025


Over MLK Weekend, 43 Hemophilia of Georgia (HoG) teens and 26 volunteers/staff participated in a fun-filled retreat Camp Widjiwagan in Nashville, Tennessee. One of the most memorable experiences was the time teens got to spend connecting with one and other, and many experiencing snow for the first time. Throughout the weekend teens participated in activities including those centered around working together as a team, communication and leadership, an Escape Room, a live interactive Game Show activity, dinner at the Rainforest Café, and time to connect with peers through conversation and games.

While the group had tons of fun, Hemophilia of Georgia also provided them with transition education. The group participated in several different educational opportunities around communication and leadership. The teens participated in a session presented by GUIDE, Inc. around communication with peers and superiors as well as skills needed to be strong leaders in the community. They were able to apply the skills they learned during the education session in the afternoon scavenger hunt around the YMCA and the Escape Room that evening.

retreat 2 mar 25

Since Teen Retreat takes place over MLK, HoG works to include a service component to benefit the area we are visiting. This year, our teens participated in a service project of creating no sew fleece blankets for all the Junior Wannaklot Campers as a welcome gift for camp this season.

Teens concluded the weekend by providing HoG staff with feedback about their experiences. They loved getting to connect with their peers in the HoG community, trying new experiences, and gaining valuable education they can carry with them for the future.

If you have questions about HoG’s teen programs, please reach out to Kristi Fulford Director of Camp and Client Events at or 770-518-8272.