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8607 Roberts Drive, Suite 150 Sandy Springs, GA 30350-2237


Horizons in Hemophilia, November 2017


ACA Open Enrollment Begins November 1, 2017

Get Ready: Open Enrollment for ACA Plans Starts November 1

By: Jeff Cornett RN MSN, Vice President of Research and Public Policy | November 1, 2017

Sign-up for ACA marketplace ("Obamacare") plans runs from November 1 to December 15 for insurance coverage that begins on January 1, 2018. This is half as long as last year's open enrollment period, so it is important to begin selecting a plan early. In addition to less time, consumers will have fewer plans to choose from this year. More...


Parker Speaks About Research at the Hit 'Em for Hemophilia Golf Tournament

Hit ’Em for Hemophilia

By: Sarah Weikert, Director of Development | October 31, 2017

Last Tuesday was a beautiful day for golf! We had over 230 golfers and 35 volunteers at the event. Everyone enjoyed the location, the courses, and the overall event. The little boy you see in the picture is Parker, who was our spokesperson this year. More...


Be an advocate!

Would you like to be an advocate?

By: Nichelle Sims, JD, Associate Director of Research & Advocacy | October 31, 2017

Hemophilia of Georgia has launched a Bleeding Disorder Advocacy Program. The program increases our profile at the state and federal level, educates the public, and enhances awareness about important policy changes affecting the community. More...


Leana's Trip to the NHF Meeting in Chicago

My Trip to the NHF Annual Conference

By: Leana W. | October 31, 2017

My family and I attended the National Hemophilia Foundation's 69th annual conference in Chicago, Illinois this past August. I would like to thank Hemophilia of Georgia for this exceptional opportunity and experience. The knowledge gained from this conference has been a huge encouragement to me and my family. More...


Augusta Trot to Clot

Augusta Trot to Clot

By: Paula Fine, Community Engagement Coordinator | October 31, 2017

The rain didn't stop the runners and walkers from having a great time at the Augusta 5K Trot to Clot. The event was held at the Greeneway Trail in North Augusta on Saturday, October 7. Participants enjoyed a fun morning making their way along the scenic, tree-lined course at the park. More...


Marietta Wine Market hosts HoG

Marietta Wine Market

By: Paula Fine, Community Engagement Coordinator | October 31, 2017

The Marietta Wine Market (MWM) featured Hemophilia of Georgia (HoG) at one of its September wine tasting events. Owners Karen and Randall Heard host these events that allow guests to sample different wines. The event goal was to bring awareness to the community and to raise money. Proceeds benefited Hemophilia of Georgia. More...


Korbis enters the Mighty Sticker Club

Mighty Sticker Club

By: Carlos Branham, RN, Outreach Nurse | October 31, 2017

Korbis became a member of the Mighty Sticker Club in October. To become a member he mastered the steps of self-infusion, including mixing factor, selecting a vein, sticking himself, infusing factor, and completing a treatment calendar.



HoG Junior Board

Thanks for Your Support!

By: the Hemophilia of Georgia Junior Board | October 31, 2017

To all of our supporters - we give you our sincerest thanks from the bottom of our hearts. You have been steadfast in your support of our community, and have given nothing but support and love in all that we do. More...


Jenny Truesdale, CPhT

Meet the Pharmacy Staff – Jenny Truesdale

By: Michelle Turkington, Director of Marketing and Communications | October 31, 2017

This month's featured employee is Jenny Truesdale, Certified Pharmacy Technician (CPhT). She began working for HoG in 2004 as a receptionist. She soon was promoted to the business department and learned to take factor orders. More...


Client Dinners

Client Dinners

By: Nichelle Sims, JD, Associate Director of Research & Advocacy | October 31, 2017

Hemophilia of Georgia (HoG) hosts client dinners across Georgia to give clients the opportunity to network and learn from each other. These dinners provide an opportunity for you to meet people in your area, reconnect with friends, share stories, and get advice on dealing with challenges. More...