The Mighty Sticker Club Proudly Welcomes a New Member!
Horizons in Hemophilia, March 2013
By Mary Ann Tyler RN, Outreach Nurse
Eliseo C. is the newest member to join The Mighty Sticker Club. To become a member, he mastered the steps for self infusion including mixing factor, selecting a vein, sticking himself, giving his own factor, and completing a treatment calendar. What an accomplishment!
Eliseo has grown up watching his older brother, Juan, learn self-infusion. He has always looked up to his older brother and wanted to be a self-infuser also. Eliseo’s HTC nurse and I worked with him for several summers at Camp Wannaklot. Being around other boys with the same bleeding disorder challenged him to complete the process. Eliseo is now self-sufficient and takes full ownership of the infusion process. He was awarded a certificate and a watch for all his hard work.
Congratulations to Eliseo, we are all so proud of you at Hemophilia of Georgia!