It takes more than medicine...


The Mighty Sticker Club Proudly Welcomes a New Member!

Published March 11, 2013


Horizons in Hemophilia, March 2013

By Mary Ann Tyler RN, Outreach Nurse

Eliseo 1Eliseo C. is the newest member to join The Mighty Sticker Club. To become a member, he mastered the steps for self infusion including mixing factor, selecting a vein, sticking himself, giving his own factor, and completing a treatment calendar.  What an accomplishment! 

Eliseo has grown up watching his older brother, Juan, learn self-infusion.  He has always looked up to his older brother and wanted to be a self-infuser also.  Eliseo’s HTC nurse and I worked with him for several summers at Camp Wannaklot.  Being around other boys with the same bleeding disorder challenged him to complete the process.  Eliseo is now self-sufficient and takes full ownership of the infusion process.  He was awarded a certificate and a watch for all his hard work.

Congratulations to Eliseo, we are all so proud of you at Hemophilia of Georgia!