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8607 Roberts Drive, Suite 150 Sandy Springs, GA 30350-2237


Bleeding Disorder Resources


CDC - Hemophilia Treatment Centers
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) directory that lists Hemophilia Treatment Centers (HTCs), and organizations. CDC list of Hemophilia Treatment Centers:

Canadian Hemophilia Society
The Canadian Hemophilia Society’s web site has easy-to-read information about Hemophilia and other bleeding disorders.

Foundation for Women & Girls+ with Blood Disorders
The Foundation for Women and Girls+ with Blood Disorders (FWGBD) has a Directory of Services for Women and Girls with Blood Disorders. This Directory shares information about the availability and range of services specifically devoted to the care of women and girls with bleeding and/or other blood disorders, including sickle cell disease, at federally funded Hemophilia/thrombosis treatment centers (HTCs) and nationally recognized sickle cell disease centers across the country. 

Hemophilia Federation of America
Hemophilia Federation of America (HFA) serves as a consumer advocate for safe, affordable, and obtainable blood products and health coverage, as well as a better quality of life for all persons with bleeding disorders. HFA has a Blood Sisterhood program, a peer network of women who support women with bleeding disorders on their life’s journey through diagnosis, treatment, and day-to-day living.

National Bleeding Disorders Foundation
National Bleeding Disorders Foundation (formerly known as the National Hemophilia Foundation) has an information distribution service (HANDI), as well as newsletters and other educational materials.

World Federation of Hemophilia
International agency that promotes education and research.