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8607 Roberts Drive, Suite 150 Sandy Springs, GA 30350-2237


Horizons in Hemophilia, September 2019


Pharmacist reviewing order on computer

New Pharmacy Ordering Process Rolls Out Oct. 1

By Leigh Carpenter, RPh, Director of Pharmacy | September 19, 2019

Changes to our online and call-in pharmacy ordering process will begin on Oct. 1. You will be asked to respond to more questions from either our staff or our online form as a result of our Specialty Pharmacy Accreditation from the Utilization Review Accreditation Commission (URAC). The reason we are seeking this accreditation is to better coordinate care between the pharmacy, outreach nurses and social workers, which will allow us to provide the best quality of care possible for our clients. More...

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Swim Lessons 1

Learning to Swim at Camp Wannaklot

By Jeff Cornett, RN, MSN, Vice President of Research and Public Policy | September 19, 2019

It's early morning – 6:45 a.m. – and most of camp is still in bed. But five 7-year-old campers are on a mission. They are waiting at the pool gate for "Polar Bear" – voluntary swim lessons offered each morning before breakfast. They want to trade in their orange "nonswimmer" wrist bands for the glowing green ones that signify they can go in the deep end of the pool. They are soon joined by two 11-year-olds, one of whom already has his green band. He wants to learn to swim better: "I'm like a torpedo underwater but I'm like a turtle on top." More...

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doctor checking on baby

Healthcare Transition Guidelines for Parents of Infants and Toddlers with Bleeding Disorders

By Theresa Schaffer, LCSW, Director of Social Work | September 19, 2019

National Hemophilia Foundation's (NHF) Medical and Scientific Advisory Council (MASAC) has established healthcare transition guidelines for the bleeding disorders community. The Hemophilia of Georgia (HoG) Social Work team will be highlighting the key transition guidelines that you should know over the coming year. More...

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HoG brick office building

This Month We Get a New Address

By Tracy Heath, Director of Communications | September 19, 2019

Hemophilia of Georgia will have a new address starting Sept. 16. Please update your records to reflect our new location at 8607 Roberts Drive, Suite 150, Sandy Springs, GA 30350-2237. Our phone number will not change. More...

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doctor holding a laptop

CDC Adds New Online Tool to See Bleeding Disorder Statistics

By Jeff Cornett, RN, MSN, Vice President of Research and Public Policy | September 19, 2019

Are you doing a school report on bleeding disorders? Do you want to see how you compare to other people with bleeding disorders in the U.S.? This past May, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) launched a new online tool that will be of interest to you. It is called the Data Visualization Tool and you can find it here. More...

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Group photo in front of brewery logo

Help Us Raise Funds to Find a Cure

By Tracy Heath, Director of Communications | September 19, 2019

Join us for one, two or both fundraising events coming up in September and October. Proceeds from these events help fund medical research for inherited bleeding disorders. More...

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Blood drop logo

August 2019 Georgia Hemophilia Advisory Board Meeting

By Jeff Cornett, RN, MSN, Vice President of Research and Public Policy | September 19, 2019

The Hemophilia Advisory Board (HAB), an independent advisory board of health care providers who treat people with inherited bleeding disorders, met for its quarterly meeting on Aug. 23 at the Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH) office in downtown Atlanta. Hemophilia of Georgia's (HoG) Jeff Cornett has been appointed by the DPH Commissioner to fill the slot formerly held by Nichelle Sims. Jeff was elected as the presiding officer. More...

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