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8607 Roberts Drive, Suite 150 Sandy Springs, GA 30350-2237


Horizons in Hemophilia, July 2019


teacher tapping young girl on nose

Educate Your Child’s School on Bleeding Disorders

By Michelle Lowe, BSN, RN-BC, Director of Nursing | July 10, 2019

It's not long before we put away the swim trunks and head back to school. There is no better time to make sure your child's teachers and school staff understand how to respond to medical emergencies related to his or her inherited bleeding disorder. At Hemophilia of Georgia (HoG), our outreach nurses are happy to provide in-service presentations to your child's school or day care center. The presentations can help give you and the staff peace of mind and action plans for managing your child's bleeding disorder while in school. More...

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Graduates tossing caps in air

Georgia’s Bleeding Disorder Community Goes to College

By Theresa Schaffer, LCSW, Director of Social Work | July 10, 2019

We are happy to announce this year's John W. Youtsey Memorial Scholarships. For 2019, we awarded 23 young men and women scholarships totaling $70,000. Congratulations to each of you. More...

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jogger on beach with sponsor logos overlaid on top of it

Thank You for a Successful Trot to Clot

By Nick Stinson, Community Engagement Coordinator | July 10, 2019

This year's Trot to Clot was a splash! What seemed like another hot Saturday in Atlanta turned into a torrential downpour at The Battery on June 8. For weeks, most of Metro Atlanta had not seen severe weather until the day of the event. As a result, we canceled the walk before it began for safety concerns due to lightning. However, there is good news! We raised more than $60,000! More...

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Father and son rollerblading

Play Safe This Summer

By Michelle Lowe, BSN, RN-BC, Director of Nursing | July 10, 2019

While there is no way to prevent every accident or every bleed, there are steps you can take to reduce the chances of serious bleeds from outdoor activities. One of the easiest ways to keep your child safe is to have them wear protective gear while playing outdoors, especially when riding bicycles, skateboarding, inline skating, and other similar activities. More...

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little girl getting a shot

Getting School Vaccinations with a Bleeding Disorder

By Nikki Duncan, RN, BSN, CPN, Nurse Educator | July 10, 2019

As a new school year begins, many students will be heading to their primary care physician for state-required immunizations. While vaccines are designed to help prevent serious diseases such as polio, whooping cough and tetanus, administering the vaccines can be a little tricky for children with inherited bleeding disorders. More...

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