Trot to Clot Announcement
Have you been wondering when the next Trot to Clot will be? Perhaps you’ve looked at your calendar to see what Saturdays are free to schedule a fun-filled day.
Search no more. Trot to Clot Atlanta is tentatively scheduled for Spring 2019. The events team is planning on making this an event that brings the bleeding disorder community closer together while raising awareness and funds for Camp Wannaklot.
The 2019 Trot to Clot will be bigger and better than ever with your help. For this event, we will encourage peer-to-peer fundraising to increase funding for Camp Wannaklot and awareness for the bleeding disorder community. But the fun doesn’t stop there. Top fundraising teams will receive exclusive prizes for their fundraising efforts. Stay tuned for more event details and announcements.
Want to learn how you can help make this event a large success? Contact Nick Stinson, Community Engagement Coordinator, at nmstinson@hog.org