It takes more than medicine...


Mighty Sticker Club

By Mary Ann McCullough, RN-BC, Outreach Nurse

Published November 30, 2017


Payton Joins the Mighty Sticker ClubPayton became a member of the Mighty Sticker Club in October. To become a member, he mastered the steps of self-infusion, including mixing factor, selecting a vein, sticking himself, infusing factor, and completing a treatment calendar.

Payton is 12 years old and attends middle school.  He loves archery and fishing in his spare time.  He loves football and his favorite team is the University of Georgia. He has attended Camp Wannaklot for five years and hopes to attend again next year.

His outreach nurse, Mary Ann, told us, “Payton always has a smile on his face and is so helpful to others.  He is always willing to help the kids at camp.”

Payton was awarded a Mighty Sticker Club certificate and a Wal-Mart gift card for his hard work.  Congratulations!