It takes more than medicine...


Fall Family Camp

Published October 9, 2015


Horizons in Hemophilia, October 2015

By Kim Williams, Director of Camp & Client Events

The focus was on the family during Fall Family Camp 2015. It was a gloomy and rainy weekend at Camp Twin Lakes, but that didn’t dampen the fun!

On Friday night, families competed in a Family Fort-i-tude challenge. Given supplies of recyclable materials such as boxes, cereal boxes, magazines, and paper towel tubes, families were challenged to build a fort that their whole family could fit into. The next challenge was to decorate their fort. Some of the most creative items included paper towel rolls used as turrets, an airplane that had wings and a tail dubbed “HoG Air Force One,” garages and houses with doors that opened, and an igloo!

Saturday morning was filled with a fun and interactive bleeding disorder educational session. Families participated in a true/false game and in a trivia challenge to earn pieces of a model rocket they were then able to build. The rest of the weekend included camp activities such as boating, hiking, swimming, archery, basketball and crafts. Saturday evening included a performance of “The Big, Bad, Little, Red Pig Show” by Lee Bryan and a “Break the Ice” cream party where families enjoyed creating their own ice cream sundaes.

Families competed in a “Walk this Way” challenge during the weekend. Points were earned by participating in camp activities and exercise during Family Camp. The family who earned the most points won a prize pack of healthy snacks and ingredients to prepare healthy meals.

Check out the photos to see the fun that was had by all! Families enjoyed getting to know one another, sharing their stories, and spending time with the HoG staff and volunteers.