It takes more than medicine...


Dear HoG: Keeping Mixed Factor

Published May 9, 2008


Horizons in Hemophilia, Spring 2007


Dear HoG:

Recently I mixed up my son's factor for infusion, but then had difficulty sticking him. It was late in the day, so my Outreach Nurse could not schedule a home visit until the next morning. I wanted to put the mixed factor in the refrigerator and save it until then, but the nurse said it was best to remix another vial. I'm confused! Will it not be good anymore? It's so expensive, I hate to waste it!

--Concerned Parent

Dear Concerned Parent:

You are right-it does seem a shame to waste such an expensive product. However, our Outreach Nurses must follow the manufacturer's guidelines concerning product stability. You can read in the package insert that factor products are only good if infused within three hours after mixing with the sterile water. After three hours, the stability of the product cannot be ensured. In some cases, your treatment center staff may advise you otherwise and say it is fine to use the product the next day. However, HoG Outreach Nurses must follow the manufacturer's guidelines! If you have already mixed the product and are requesting HoG's assistance, you must inform the nurse the time that you mixed the product. Please understand the nurse will only be able to do the venipuncture and you will have to infuse the product yourself.