It takes more than medicine...


Please Consider an End of Year Donation for Research

Published December 10, 2012


Horizons in Hemophilia, December 2012

By Vic McCarty, Director of Development

As we approach the end of 2012, Hemophilia of Georgia invites you to consider making an end of year tax-deductible contribution to support research. HoG is currently funding two major gene therapy research projects that seek to cure hemophilia. The Emory/Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta project is focused on hemophilia A (factor VIII deficiency) and will begin enrolling patients soon. The clinical trial at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is targeted at hemophilia B (factor IX deficiency). The St. Jude’s clinical trial has been underway for months with good results. We need your help to continue to support this important research.

The success of this critical research would be life changing for many families.  In this video,


two of our families describe what finding a cure for hemophilia would mean to them.
To make your end of year donation for research please visit or simply mail your check to the HoG office by December 31, 2012.