It takes more than medicine...


Hemophilia of Georgia Needs Assessment Survey

Published July 7, 2011


Horizons in Hemophilia, July 2011

By Ruth Brown, VP of Programs

All families in Georgia who are affected by inherited bleeding disorders are invited and encouraged to participate in a needs assessment survey being conducted by Community Evaluation Solutions, Inc. for HoG. Each family will get a card in the mail in the next couple of weeks inviting you to complete a survey about HoG programs and services. We hope that everyone will participate in the survey, but if you don’t want to complete the survey and don’t want a follow-up phone call from the evaluation company, please call Deniece at the HoG office and let her know.

One adult from each family who is willing to participate in the web-based survey should go to to compete the survey. You will need to enter the unique code number from the card that you receive in the mail.

Watch for an article in Horizons in Hemophilia later this year about the results of the survey. Thanks in advance for your help!