It takes more than medicine...


Online Ordering from the HoG and Beacon Pharmacies

Published May 4, 2011


Horizons in Hemophilia, May 2011 

By Karen Daniel, Marketing and Communications Director

Hundreds of HoG and Beacon pharmacy clients have signed up for online pharmacy ordering.  It’s easy and available to everyone who orders from HoG or Beacon. 

You’ll always know that your order has been received by the pharmacy.  Once you’ve selected the medications and supplies you need and verified your shipping address, you will see the Online Pharmacy Checkout: Review page.

order review

Immediately after you click on the Submit button at the bottom of this page, you will get an email from the pharmacy letting you know that your order has been received.  If you don’t get an email immediately, you may have forgotten to click the submit button.

order submit

You will get another email when your order has been shipped. If you haven’t tried online ordering from the HoG or Beacon Pharmacy, why not sign up today?  HoG pharmacy customers should create a My HoG account to get started.  Beacon Pharmacy clients should create an online order account on the Beacon website.   

If you would like more information about online ordering, please read the easy online ordering instructions or call Michelle Fitzwater at the HoG office.