Educate Your Child’s School on Bleeding Disorders
Hemophilia of Georgia outreach nurses are happy to speak with your child’s school or daycare center and provide educational information through our school in-services for teachers so that school staff know how to respond to medical emergencies. These school in-services for teachers with students who have bleeding disorders are crucial for creating a supportive and safe learning environment for students with these conditions.
By equipping teachers with knowledge, skills, and a compassionate approach, schools can ensure that students with bleeding disorders receive the necessary support to thrive academically and socially. A well-informed and empathetic teaching community plays a pivotal role in nurturing a positive educational experience for students with bleeding disorders, empowering them to reach their full potential in the classroom and beyond.
Contact your assigned outreach nurse at 770-518-8272 to schedule a presentation. If you are unsure which nurse to call, please ask for Erica Hunter, who will assist you. You will be asked to fill out a form giving us permission to contact the school or daycare center. We can also send you an information packet you can present to school personnel if you prefer.
We want to help your child have a safe, happy, and successful year.