It takes more than medicine...


Client Spotlight: Lorenzo

Published October 13, 2010


Horizons in Hemophilia, October 2010

By Shannon Veronesi, MEd, Health Educator


Lorenzo G., an actor, musician, writer and all-around creative arts dynamo, has shown us that nothing will hold him back – especially his bleeding disorder.  There is no stopping this sophomore at Atlanta International School.  He has four school plays under his belt and is currently in rehearsals for another.  This award-winning actor has completely embraced all that makes him who he is.

Paired with his Colombian culture and phenomenal family and friends, Lorenzo has learned how to live life to the fullest.  “The (hemophilia) diagnosis was a surprise for us because it does not run in the family,” says Lorenzo’s mom, Karen.  “His father and I decided early on that we would not let hemophilia ever limit Lorenzo; we would protect him, but never let it stop him.”  And Lorenzo has not let anything stop him.

Throughout childhood, Lorenzo was convinced that he would become an NFL quarterback.  Although his love for sports (especially football) has not faded, he figured out how to redirect some of this energy into other creative outlets.  He attributes much of this to his experiences at Camp Wannaklot.  Lorenzo has been a camper since the age of 7, only missing one summer.  This is where he learned that although hemophilia does come with some limitations, there are so many things that he can do.  This includes winning a very prestigious award this year, for Best Supporting Actor, at the Shuler Hensley Awards held at the Cobb Energy Centre.  The awards ceremony was created to recognize the outstanding talent in the Atlanta area high schools.  Lorenzo landed the award for his role in Oliver. 

“I have always told others about my bleeding disorder.  It is a part of me and my friends have come to embrace that as being a part of me.”  Wise beyond his years, Lorenzo goes on to say that a bleeding disorder should not be a scary thing or dictate one’s social life.  It is this confidence that continues to help Lorenzo take on anything that life may throw at him.  He does worry about the future, things like getting a job, insurance coverage, and how to find all of that while pursuing his dream of acting.  He understands that acting is a tough profession, but he also realizes that he needs to give it a shot for as long as he possibly can.

This is just the beginning for this young man.  It was an honor getting to know Lorenzo and his family.  Truly, words on paper could never give them the credit they all deserve.  Better yet, go see for yourself.  I am sure we will see Lorenzo on the big screen or Broadway in the very near future.
