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8607 Roberts Drive, Suite 150 Sandy Springs, GA 30350-2237


The Mighty Sticker Club

By Michelle Lowe, BSN, RN-BC, Director of Nursing

Published January 1, 2019


Lucas Joins the Mighty Sticker Club -Lucas with gift certificate and MSC certificate

Welcome Lucas, our newest member of the Mighty Sticker Club! To become a member, one must master the steps of self-infusion, including mixing factor, selecting a vein, sticking oneself, infusing factor, and completing a treatment calendar.

Lucas is 12 years old and is in seventh grade this year. He has attended Camp Wannaklot for several years and his favorite thing about camp is being around other kids with bleeding disorders. It makes him feel less isolated. Lucas told HoG he is proud and has a sense of accomplishment because he learned how to be more independent.

Lucas was awarded a Mighty Sticker Club certificate and Target gift card for his achievement. His outreach nurse Mary Ann shared, “Awarding this certificate is what I love most about my job. From when kids are first able to stick themselves to this milestone of independence, I am proud to be part of it.” Congratulations to Lucas on his achievement.