Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
Hemophilia of Georgia wishes everyone a joyous holiday season and a healthy and happy New Year! As we approach the coming year, we are very excited that Hemophilia of Georgia will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of the founding of our organization. We will have more news to share with you in the coming year. Stay tuned!
While we are very excited about the future, it is important and helpful to reflect on the past. We are proud of our long history of service and dedication to enhancing health and wellness of the bleeding disorder community by providing excellence in comprehensive health care, education, advocacy, and the support of research.
As a community and as an institution serving that community, we have consistently risen to meet challenges that have presented themselves over the last 50 years. We are very proud of the way HoG has met these challenges, are grateful to our many supporters, and are continually looking for ways to improve our services.
HoG's Pharmacists do their absolute best to provide you with the best service possible! They have decades of experience dispensing clotting factor medications and work closely with the hemophilia treatment centers and the HoG Outreach Nurses to coordinate clients' treatment plans.
YOU can help us continue to provide excellent service! If you are a client of Hemophilia of Georgia or the Beacon pharmacy, let us know how we are doing by taking our short survey.
Click on your pharmacy name below and give us your feedback.