Do You Forget to Order Your Medicine?
Do you sometimes forget to order your medicine or supplies? Life can be crazy sometimes. That is why we offer online ordering for our pharmacies. You can place an order any time of day/week, including holidays with our 24-hour ordering option.
It is easy to use. You choose/select your medication and the number of doses you need. A pharmacist will review your prescription and ensure you get the correct medication. Supplies are categorized to help you find what you need quickly. If you have comments or questions, enter them into the comment section and our pharmacy staff will follow up as soon as possible.
If you re-order the same items the next time you sign in, our system retains your previous order and you can just click the re-order button, and you are done. Confirmations are sent via email. To get started with online ordering, set up your My HoG account at https://www.hog.org/my_hog/ (or a My Beacon account www.beaconpharmacy.net) and you can schedule reminders and order online. You do not have to order online to receive reminders. To learn more about the reminder program, visit www.hog.org/reminder (or www.beaconpharmacy.net/reminder).
If you need a little help, we are here for you. Call (770) 518-8272 for the HoG Pharmacy or (770) 709-0124 for the Beacon Pharmacy.