Dear HoG: Speaking Spanish at HoG Events
Horizons in Hemophilia, Spring 2008
Dear HoG:
My wife and I would like to bring our family to HoG events, but we are worried that we will be the only ones there who speak Spanish. Should we come anyway?
Dear Wondering:
Of course! Because bleeding disorders occur world-wide, there is no limit to the diversity of our community. Even though folks at our events are different in many ways, their experience in dealing with bleeding disorders is something they have in common. You'll find this shared experience makes it easy to make new friends at our events. Many of our events are attended by families who speak Spanish and other languages. Several HoG staff members speak Spanish. They'll be glad to help you communicate with the group. Please let us know in advance if you are worried about language issues - we'll do what we can to help you feel comfortable. This also applies when an HoG nurse or social worker is scheduled to visit your home. They can bring a translator with them when needed.