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8607 Roberts Drive, Suite 150 Sandy Springs, GA 30350-2237


Dear HoG: Order Summaries

Published July 7, 2011


Horizons in Hemophilia, July 2011 

Dear HoG:
Why do I keep getting these Order Summary forms in every order from the pharmacy?  If I just sent back the one from my last order why did you send me another one this month?

 --Tired of Signing

Dear Tired:
We understand that it’s repetitive, but the pharmacy has to have proof that you actually received your order and that you had the opportunity to talk to the pharmacist about your medication.  When you go to your local pharmacy to pick up an antibiotic or other prescription, you’re always asked to sign a form or an electronic pad to show that you received the medicine.  The Order Summary forms that you get from the HoG pharmacy or Beacon Pharmacy serve the same purpose.  The organization that pays for your factor or other bleeding disorder medication (your health insurance company or Medicaid or Medicare) may refuse to pay for a particular order from the pharmacy if we can’t prove you received it.  So, please help us by returning those forms for every order you receive.  Thanks!