Dear HoG: Medication Labels
Horizons in Hemophilia, Fall 2008
Dear HoG:
What should I do if my medication label is unreadable or I don’t understand the directions on the label?
--Need to Know
Dear Need to Know:
If you do not understand your prescription or have questions about any of the following: How often do I take this medication? What is the name of the drug? Can I take this with other drugs? What is the dosage? Is it refillable? Are there any side effects? You have a wonderful resource—your pharmacist. He or she is happy to answer your questions!
If something happens to the original container; for example, if it is dropped in a sink full of water, you can call the pharmacy, or take it to the pharmacy, and they will give you a new label. It is important to have a readable label so it will not be mistaken for something else or confused with another’s medication.