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8607 Roberts Drive, Suite 150 Sandy Springs, GA 30350-2237

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8607 Roberts Drive, Suite 150 Sandy Springs, GA 30350-2237




John Youtsey Memorial Scholarships

Step one in the scholarship application process is to pre-qualify. The deadline to pre-qualify is April 30, 2025 by 5:00 pm. To complete the pre-qualification application, please review the qualification requirements below then visit to pre-qualify. If you qualify, you will be emailed an application.

The John W. Youtsey Memorial Scholarship provides financial assistance to Hemophilia of Georgia clients who are motivated and talented but lack the resources to achieve their educational goals. Students who would like to be considered for the John W. Youtsey Memorial Scholarship must meet the requirements listed below:

  • Applicants must be Hemophilia of Georgia clients who have hemophilia, von Willebrand Disease, or another inherited bleeding disorder, OR be a surviving child of a parent who died as a result of complications arising from a bleeding disorder and who had been a client of Hemophilia of Georgia.
  • Applicants must currently reside in Georgia AND have been a permanent resident of Georgia for a minimum of one year.
  • Applicants must be currently enrolled in an accredited college, university, vocational, technical, or professional degreed program OR accepted by an accredited college, university, vocational, technical, or professional degreed program.
  • Scholarship recipients must agree to serve the bleeding disorder community by volunteering at least 12 hours with Hemophilia of Georgia.  Note: Serving one week at Camp Wannaklot will fulfill the volunteer requirement this scholarship year as well as any future scholarship volunteer obligation.

If you satisfy these requirements and would like to submit a pre-qualification application, visit If you qualify, you will be emailed an application. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of several factors including scholastic achievement, financial need, and personal goals.

Donate to the John W. Youtsey Memorial Scholarship

If you would like to help deserving students achieve their goals, please consider contributing to the John W. Youtsey Memorial Scholarship fund. You can contribute online or mail a check to Hemophilia of Georgia. Please contact the Development Department at HoG, 770 518-8272, for more information about scholarship contributions.

John W. Youtsey, former professor and Associate Dean of the College of Health Sciences at Georgia State University, provided dedicated leadership to Hemophilia of Georgia from its inception in 1973 until his death in 1996. He was a member of the Board of Directors of Hemophilia of Georgia and chaired the Scholarship Committee.

Over the years, the John Youtsey Memorial Scholarship Program has awarded more than 400 scholarships totaling over $1,000,000.

What the John W. Youtsey Memorial Scholarship has meant to previous recipients:

  • “This scholarship means I will be able to pursue my future without struggling to make ends meet.”
  • "Thanks so much for giving me this opportunity to further my education and giving me a head start towards my career.”
  • “This scholarship means I will be able to afford to attend college.”
  • “The scholarship gives me the opportunity to be financially secure for the rest of my life.”
  • “Because of this scholarship my dreams are coming true!”
  • “It is such an honor to receive this scholarship.  It means that I can focus more on my education rather than on financial needs.”
  • “This scholarship means a lot to me.  It takes some of the financial pressure off of me and my mom.”