It takes more than medicine...


Hybrid Outreach Telehealth Clinic Services



Hemophilia of Georgia (HoG) has two Hybrid Outreach Telehealth Clinic locations in Georgia, one in Savannah and one in Perry, where patients can receive comprehensive care services. These clinics can offer comprehensive care by having nursing, social work, physical therapy, genetic counseling, and lab collection services in person – while also virtually seeing the Hemophilia Treatment Center (HTC) provider, nurse, and social worker. HoG offers these services via Hybrid Outreach Telehealth Clinic because we recognize that some patients struggle with their HTC appointments due to their individual life circumstances (for example: jobs, health issues, travel, children, parents, and cost). 

Services include: 

  • Medical exams and testing
  • On site collections of labs or at your local LabCorp
  • Nursing Services
  • Social Work Services
  • Physical Therapy
  • Genetic Counseling

Who is eligible to attend the Telehealth HTC?

  • Any patient of HoG >18 years of age with a diagnosed bleeding disorder
  • Any patient with a diagnosed bleeding disorder > 18 years of age that is interested in becoming a patient of HoG
  • Patients seen in the Hybrid Outreach Telehealth Clinic will be seeing Augusta Adult HTC providers

Would you like more information?
Contact Director of Telehealth, Rebecca Babkiewicz, MSN, RN, CPN at 770-631-1657 or your HoG Nurse or Social Worker.