It takes more than medicine...


Social Support



HoG social workers provide many services, including counseling, financial assistance, and community resource referrals for further financial assistance, therapy, and vocational services.

Why do I need a social worker just because I have a bleeding disorder?

The answer is easy. Social workers are problem solvers. Bleeding disorders bring with them a host of questions and problems most people don't have to deal with, and those problems can often disrupt family life causing stress and strain. These are some of the questions HoG Social Workers can help answer:

  • How do I find my way through medical systems that are difficult to understand, especially when my child moves from the pediatric Hemophilia Treatment Centers to an adult center?

  • What kind of job can someone with a bleeding disorder have and keep?

  • What do I do if I need to go back to school to get a better job that will provide insurance?

  • How can having a bleeding disorder affect my child's education?

  • What dentist will see someone with hemophilia? What if I don't have insurance that covers dental services?

  • One of the largest concerns is insurance. Do I have enough? Can I afford it? What happens when my child is too old for my policy? What programs are available to help if I don't have insurance?

In addition to counseling services, community resource planning, and long-range planning, the HoG social work staff has the ability to help with specific financial needs for those who qualify.

Emergency Assistance Funds

  • Funds to purchase Medic Alert® bracelets
  • Resources to help with the health insurance expense
  • Assistance with clinic charges not covered by insurance or Medicaid
  • Help with transportation and/or lodging for clinic visits
  • Resources for the cost of mental health care
  • Assistance with other financial emergencies as approved by the social worker

The social workers are responsible for several other special programs. There are eligibility criteria for each of these programs. Contact your social worker for an application.

Emergency and Preventive Dental Programs

  • Assists patients in accessing proper dental treatment
  • Assists with maintaining good dental health by paying for two cleanings per year

Professional Development Program

  • Assists patients in pursuing educational and/or career goals including: continuing education classes, career certifications [e.g. medical assistant], GED preparation, college application costs, professional exams and workshops, and English as a second language classes.

Insurance Education

You can talk with your HoG social worker about how to obtain health insurance coverage or ask questions about your current healthcare policy at any time. Each year during the Marketplace Insurance open enrollment your HoG social worker can help you understand what plans to look for that can help cover your bleeding disorder medical needs.

If you are interested in further information about any of these programs, please contact the social work staff through the Hemophilia of Georgia office at 770-518-8272.