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8607 Roberts Drive, Suite 150 Sandy Springs, GA 30350-2237

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8607 Roberts Drive, Suite 150 Sandy Springs, GA 30350-2237


Reducing Costs


Costs associated with a bleeding disorder can be quite daunting. Following these steps will help you manage these costs better:

  1. Contact your Hemophilia Treatment Center social worker. Your Social Worker may serve as a liaison or facilitator in helping you gather the information.
  2. Explore the resources you already have. There might be an existing insurance policy that will cover the person with a bleeding disorder. Family members can check with their employers to determine if a plan may fit.
  3. Explore other resources. Some of these resources are described in this section. The Hemophilia social worker can suggest others according to the family's needs.

The comprehensive care approach has decreased the financial burden for many people with a bleeding disorder. This approach focuses on being proactive, gaining knowledge, and solving a wide range of problems. The individual in comprehensive care has fewer hospital stays and long-term disabilities. Meaning, they typically have lower costs "down the road.”

You can reduce your medical costs by learning to infuse factor concentrate or treat bleeds at home. Home care reduces costs in two ways:

  1.  Fewer hospital visits for treatment. This saves both time and money, allowing you to be more productive and to miss fewer days of work or school.
  2. Home care lets you treat bleeds quickly. This lowers the cost of rehabilitation that is usually needed if treatment is delayed.