HoG Handbook

Start Early and Plan Ahead


All of us need to plan our financial futures. Planning is especially important for people with bleeding disorders. Job security and health insurance can make a real difference in your quality of life. Planning for the future may involve:

  •  planning for healthcare costs
  •  vocational or career counseling
  • financial planning for educational costs
  • financial planning for long-term income

Each family has different needs and resources. There are no clear-cut answers. Some experts who can help with planning ahead are social workers, vocational counselors, and financial advisors.

Parents can begin leading a child toward vocational planning when the child begins to talk about an occupation they would like to have. Parents can encourage the child to pursue the interests and skills that are enjoyable as well as those that can progress into a suitable job or career that offers both stable income and health insurance.

Clubs, activities, and summer jobs can help a child become aware of job options. As the child gets older, parents will need to explain the importance of job benefits. Whether or not an employer offers health or life insurance will become very important as the child ages. Employer sponsored insurance is generally cheaper than buying insurance as an individual and the benefits offered are more comprehensive.

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While children are young, parents can begin emphasizing the value of education or vocational training to increase job or career options. Although a college education is not for everyone, there are many other types of vocational training programs which can teach work skills. Having an in-demand work skill can result in two important things: a livable income and good group health benefits.

Here are some things you can do to help pay rising health care costs and plan for the future:

  • Stay informed about the current resources or programs available to help people with bleeding disorders. You can do this by contacting your HTC social worker and by utilizing this handbook.
  • Get the best education or training possible. It is never too late!
  • Join clubs or activity groups that can provide a way to meet potential employers.
  •  Look for jobs which offer good group insurance coverage.
  • Get involved with lobbying efforts to improve funding and services for people with high healthcare costs.
  • Get involved with agencies or organizations which represent people with bleeding disorders.
  • At work, volunteer to help those who make decisions about employee benefits.