HoG Handbook

My Plate


My PlateIn 2011, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and First Lady Michelle Obama revealed a new food icon, MyPlate.  This simple to use tool at choosemyplate.gov can help you choose the right portions from every food group to help you get the nutrients you need every meal.

The tool is easy to use; simply fill your plate with foods from the groups you see on the plate in the portions shown.  At https://www.choosemyplate.gov/ you can also learn about the different food groups, how to eat healthy on a budget, and how to manage your weight.

There is also guidance for specific age groups and stages of life:
• preschool children ages 2-5
• children ages 6-11
• dieters
• pregnant and breast feeding women

Choose https://www.myplate.gov/ to help you develop healthy eating habits for life.