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8607 Roberts Drive, Suite 150 Sandy Springs, GA 30350-2237


Other Relationships


Teen boysPart of growing up is learning to form close relationships, whether with friends, relatives, or with boyfriends and girlfriends. Sometimes young people with bleeding disorders are a little scared to get close to people. Perhaps they are afraid others will reject them because they have a medical condition. Having a bleeding disorder is not a reason to shy away from other people. In good relationships, people share both the good and the not so good times and feelings.

For the most part, a bleeding disorder will not interfere with your social life at all. Try not to shut out other people. The people who desire to be close to you want and need to understand about your bleeding disorder. You can help them by answering questions about it.

At some time, someone may end a friendship with you out of fear of your bleeding disorder. That person's fear probably will be based on wrong thinking about your disorder. Some people over-react even when they know the facts. You are not responsible for their reactions. If they are too narrow-minded to try to understand what your bleeding disorder is all about, you may be better off without them.

Telling other people about having a bleeding disorder

Whether or not to tell other people that you have a bleeding disorder is your own decision. It is up to you to decide when to tell someone and how many details you want to share. What you discuss depends on how long you have known someone and how close you have become. You can expect most people to know very little about your bleeding disorder. Even so, most people are interested and willing to learn. As they learn more about your bleeding disorder, most people will lose their fear.

How people react when you tell them you have a bleeding disorder will depend in part on the way you tell them. First, pick the best time you can to tell them. It is hard to explain anything if either of you is hurried or tired. You will know when the time seems right to tell others, including the person you are dating. Second, show a positive attitude when you explain that you have a bleeding disorder. If you are upbeat and confident, others will be more likely to react positively. Most people will truly appreciate your telling them and your willingness to explain.