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8607 Roberts Drive, Suite 150 Sandy Springs, GA 30350-2237


The Basics of Comprehensive Care


What is comprehensive care?

Comprehensive care teamComprehensive care is a team approach to the treatment of bleeding disorders. The team of experts meets regularly at the treatment center to plan your care. The team may include:

  • Hematologist (bleeding disorder doctor) 
  • Nurse
  • Advanced practitioner (such as a nurse practitioner or physician assistant, who work closely with the hematologist)
  • Social worker
  • Physical therapist
  • Orthopedist (joint doctor) 
  • Occupational therapist (OT)
  • Psychologist or psychiatrist
  • Dentist or a dental hygienist
  • Geneticist (gene expert) or genetic counselor
  • Gynecologist
  • Dietician or nutritionist

A lab for blood tests and x-rays is near the treatment center. If you need help from an expert not on the team, such as a surgeon, the team will refer you to that expert.

Comprehensive care begins when you are born and lasts your whole life. It goes beyond simply treating bleeding. The team tries to prevent problems. Comprehensive care means taking care of small problems before they become big. For instance, it is much easier to fill a cavity in a tooth than to pull a tooth that has been allowed to decay.

One way the team can prevent problems from a bleeding disorder is through regular check-ups that begin early in life. The team will talk with you about your needs and decide how often you should be seen at the HTC (Hemophilia Treatment Center). Most people go every six months to a year, even if there are no problems. If you are having a problem, you'll likely need to go more often.

The team members deal with more than just your body. They also care about what you are thinking and how you are feeling. Team members can help with day-to-day problems, such as troubles at work or with your family. The team looks at you as a unique person with your own lifestyle. You and your family help plan your care and are, in fact, team members.

If you live far away from an HTC, you may decide to have a doctor closer to home provide most of your care. Your local doctors can work with the team at the HTC to make sure your care is complete. Comprehensive care needs everyone to stay in touch and talk about your treatment: the team members, other doctors, or experts, you, and your family. Your HTC may also provide telehealth (online) appointments for care.

What is the goal of comprehensive care?

The goal of comprehensive care is for the person with a bleeding disorder to lead a productive, long life. The team looks for ways to help people do as much as they can and enjoy life to the fullest. You receive support to overcome any problems with your bleeding disorder whether they are physical, emotional, or social. When you have the freedom to direct your own life, you learn to care for yourself as much as possible.

What are the benefits of comprehensive care?

Comprehensive care can benefit the person with a bleeding disorder, their family, and their community. Dr. Peter Levine studied how people with Hemophilia benefit from comprehensive care. He looked at how people were doing the year before comprehensive care began (1975). He compared it to how people were doing after ten years of comprehensive care (1985). He found that by the tenth year:

  • The average number of days people spent in the hospital had gone down 83%.
  • The average amount of time they missed from school or work went from over two weeks to less than four days.
  • The amount of money the average person spent out of their own pocket to treat their Hemophilia went down from $1,700 to $396 per year.
  • The total cost of treating someone with Hemophilia went down from an average of $31,600 a year to $8,127 a year.
  • The number of people with Hemophilia who did not have a job went from 36% down to less than 10%.

Dr. Levine showed that comprehensive care was an effective approach to treating people with Hemophilia. When the healthcare costs go down and the person with Hemophilia is healthy enough to go to school and work, everybody benefits.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also studied the care given by Hemophilia Treatment Centers. They found that in the 1990s, people who received care at an HTC had a lower death rate than people who were treated somewhere else.

With comprehensive care, a person with Hemophilia can gain more control over their life since they learn both to treat themself and to prevent problems. This way, time can be avoided being spent in the doctor's office or in bed. They will have better joints. As they learn to manage their own life, feelings of self-worth will increase.

How much does comprehensive care cost?

Hemophilia is very expensive. It may seem at first that comprehensive care adds to the costs since there are more experts to be paid. However, comprehensive care saves money because it prevents the problems from Hemophilia that cost the most. 

For the first comprehensive care visit you will receive a comprehensive check-up, including your medical history and blood tests. Many of the tests will never have to be done again. You need them so the team has a clear picture of your health from the start and can better manage your condition.

Some centers do not charge for some of the tests. Some states cover the cost. The portion of the total cost will vary. It is something to ask about before moving or traveling. The chapter Financial Planning has suggestions for finding help to pay medical bills.