It takes more than medicine...


Order Summary Forms

on January 23, 2012


MariaBy Maria Manahan, VP Finance and Operations

I am being challenged to go paperless; to scan documents, lose the paper calendar, makes notes on an iPad.  Have you tried to hand someone a check recently?  Last Sunday I gave my nephew a check for his birthday and he looked at me as if to say, “What is this?”  And then, there was my annual trip to the optometrist.   I had my pen in hand, ready to fill out form after form.  To my surprise, the paper forms had disappeared!  None!    Zero!  My eye doctor had gone paperless.  

Unfortunately, Hemophilia of Georgia is not there yet!  We’re working on it but have a long way to go.  When it comes to “forms” we have plenty of them.  If you are one of our pharmacy clients, you know exactly what I am talking about!  I am sorry.  We are all sorry.  If we had a magic wand, we would make many of the forms we ask you to complete disappear – Poof!  Gone!

A year ago, the HoG pharmacies added the now infamous Order Summary Form.  All of a sudden, you open your box from our pharmacy and low and behold … drum roll … a new form!  Just what you’ve been hoping for!  This form is special, really special.  It comes with its own stamped, self-addressed envelope.  And, have you noticed the colorful highlights?  Check it out next time you get your order.  Oh, please don’t just check it out.  Sign it  and return it right away!

I am a long way from going paperless, but I am headed in that direction.  Hemophilia of Georgia is leading the way and hopefully it won’t be too long before we can cut down on the number of forms we ask you to fill out.  Meanwhile, please hang in there with us and return the signed Order Summary Forms immediately.  This helps us comply with several state laws and keeps your factor orders coming!