It takes more than medicine...


Educational Resources


We have created a Client Resources page to provide some materials we typically use in educating families and the community about bleeding disorders.

In addition, we also offer the Hemophilia of Georgia Library, which includes books, videos and DVDs covering all aspects of hemophilia and bleeding disorders as well as topics like child development and coping with chronic illness.

Hemophilia of Georgia clients can access these library materials by contacting HoG Director of Health Education or their Outreach Nurse at 770-518-8272. People outside Georgia can order educational publications through HANDI, the information clearinghouse of the National Bleeding Disorders Foundation, by calling 1-800-424-2634.

Additional information and educational resources are available through these organizations:

National Bleeding Disorders Foundation

National Bleeding Disorders Foundation has an information distribution service (HANDI), as well as newsletters and other educational materials.

Phone: 1-800-42-HANDI (information service)
1-888-INFO-NHF (general)

World Federation of Hemophilia

International agency that promotes education and research.
Phone: 514-875-7944

Canadian Hemophilia Society

The society's web site has easy-to-read information about hemophilia and other bleeding disorders.
Phone: 1-800-668-2686

U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research
USDA Recall/Withdrawal Page: 

CDC - Hemophilia Treatment Centers

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) directory that lists hemophilia treatment centers (HTCs), and organizations. CDC list of Hemophilia Treatment Centers: