Introducing the Junior Board of Directors
Horizons in Hemophilia, October 2013
By Deniece Chevannes, Health Educator
It was about a year ago that the idea to have a Junior Board of Directors at HoG grew at a strategic planning meeting. That idea is now in full bloom with the first group of amazing, dedicated and talented HoG Junior Board of Directors. The Junior Board is made up of former HoG Leaders in Training, volunteers and young people affected by a bleeding disorder. There are 7 members on the Junior Board: Tyler, Sidd, Ashley, Brittany, Martez, Almina and Danny.
The Junior Board supports HoG in fulfilling its mission by serving as ambassadors to raise awareness of HoG among young adults in Georgia. Additionally, Junior Board members plan fundraisers to support HoG programs and services and participate in events hosted by HoG. Junior Board members also help recruit volunteers for Camp Wannaklot, volunteer and fundraise for our Trot to Clot events and volunteer at our camps and teen retreats. HoG is truly appreciative of our awesome and dedicated Junior Board members. Read the article board-of-directors-spotlight-get-to-know-us to meet a JB member and learn about the Pie in the Face Campaign.